Saturday, September 6, 2008

September 6

This is my first post after being recruited to do this little subsection. Please let me know how it goes. Am I too mean? Not mean enough? Should I cover more papers? Let me know.
Now on to the papers.

The PE
Sean Nealon
has a nice trend story about the decline of pianos. Rather than solely focus on the decline in sales he talks about the decline of status symbol for pianos. Great quotes involved and it makes me glad I ditched the piano for the harpsichord.
Here is the quote of the day
"Do I prefer Beethoven to rock? Absolutely," he said. "But it doesn't matter what I think. In a capitalist society, it's what people want. They want Bono and U2. Roll over, Beethoven."

Alicia Robinson did a story about two dogs who must be adopted together. Why? I read the entire thing looking for one reason that belonged on my newspaper. If it ran shouldn’t it belong smack dab on the middle of Local Plus. Where is the news value in this story?

Then again the powerful dogs got misplaced by Dug Begley’s traffic story. Look at the lede:
Companies that allow workers to trade a cubicle for a comfy chair at home help ease Inland area road congestion, although by how much is uncertain, local and state transportation and economic agencies said.
Then why is this a story? It’s a trend story but we can’t really tell if it’s a trend. Maybe by the PE writing about it, it becomes a trend?

Paige Austin’s story was emotional and well written about a Corona man who feeds the homeless in a Corona park.

Imran Vitacchi’s follow story on the Idyllwild hikers was great journalism. Should have been A-1. This is the type of writing and story that draw people to the paper. Good job Vitacchi. You and Nealon can fight over best story of the day.

The Sun
Canan Tasci had an interesting story about an Ontario board member who lost it over his name not being in a school program. The lede was a little murky but the quotes were hilarious. Check out this quote:
This is my time to speak. Little guy. Little brain. Little brain. Little mouth. Stop," Avila said.
"Quit calling me names, act your age," McClure said from his seat.

Mr. Joe Nelson do not take five grafs to get to the reason why we are writing about a missing man. Otherwise good quotes and emotional link for the readers.

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