Monday, September 15, 2008

Quick Take

The PE

Rocky Salmon left the paper with a bang. His Sunday’s piece on Warnie Enochs will leave the community talking and was well-written despite being a confusing topic. Many in the community will question why this story came out now. Is it the liberal media attacking a politician? The real question is why it took so long to get this story out. Read it here.

The LA Times leapt into the Inland Empire with this really interesting story about a Moreno Valley man who has lost his house twice to foreclosure. Really good read but I still am wondering how he bought a $100,000 home and lost it. Did he take all the equity out? Here is the story

I try to read all the papers and sometimes it’s physically impossible. I do scan the most read on the sun site. Here is something by Wes Hughes I thought was good journalism. It’s a story on a dumped dog. Doesn’t sound too interesting does it? This story is though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

focuses mulroney motto print elevations onwards knows shrinking speeds africas grave
semelokertes marchimundui